The VR Shop

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The Vault (Oculus Go & Gear VR)

The Vault (Oculus Go & Gear VR)

The VaultThe VR Shop - Gold Award
System: Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Go
Price at Time Of Review: £1.49 ($2)
Comfort Rating: Red (Extreme Movement)
Genre: Adventure
Input: 3 Dof Controller
Best Playing Position: Sitting, Standing
Multi-Player: No
Age Rating: 15+


Description: Comrade, as you may know, there was an incident in our outpost in Venus. Although the colony has been evacuated, many useful items were left behind. Your job is to get there and salvage anything of value – the Commissioner hates wasting! Remember, the generator is damaged and it won’t hold for long. Also, there are reports, that some of the colonists were… damaged in the accident. Our sensor shows no life signs, but they do show movement. It might be a sensor error – or something else. Good luck Comrade!

Review: Sadly The Vault does have a number of problems. You can only pick up one item at a time, you can’t run even though there is a reason to need to do so and the game is so big it’s at the point where it is confusing! But when you realise that you only paid £1.49 ($2) for such a large and if I am honestly a pretty great looking game you will soon find its worth. Sur,e the slower paced gameplay might not be for everyone’s tastes, but I personally loved it and think its a hidden gem in the Oculus store that has been overlooked for far too long.

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